Can you believe we're a month into 2011 already? Here's the world as I saw it this past month - the view from my bookshelf!
Reading: Books and Audio Books
January started off on the absolute right foot with Priya Parmar's Exit the Actress. I absolutely loved it! I'm so sure you will love it too, I'm hosting my first giveaway. Click the link above - the giveaway form is at the end of the post. It's open internationally all through the month of February!
I continued my growing appreciation for Margaret Atwood when I read Cat's Eye. Terribly hurtful in some places - but very real. It had been on my shelf for over a year, folks! This is why I can't let my TBR pile get too crazy - really great books get lost in the shuffle! Oh yeah - Cat's Eye was one of my selections in the TBR challenge hosted by Roof Beam Reader! Progress!
Love the One You're With by Emily Giffin proved to be a great audio book for January. Light and fun, it was perfect to guide me on my commute - especially coming back from winter break!
Reading: The Friday Five
I've been taking my google reader seriously this month (so far) - and it feels great! Did you miss some posts this month? No worries. I've got you covered. Five great blog posts from each week in January!
January 7
January 14
January 21
January 28
Reading: Where's My Bookmark?
I'm ahead of schedule in my War and Peace read-along... page 154. I'm excited to find the book to be pretty accessible thus far. I was expecting the language to be very dense - think Tolkien - and was surprised and pleased to find it flowing so easily.
I'm about a third of the way through Jane Eyre and loving every word! I really loved the forward, which prompted me to do a little research on Charlotte Bronte.
I'm about two-thirds of the way through the audio book The Kitchen House by Kathleen Grissom. I heard one blogger describe this book as non-stop anxiety - in a good way. They were right. A fantastic story, I look forward to my drive to work... and that's saying a lot!
Life: Outside the Pages
We've had a lot of snow up here in NH this month! In fact, I have not worked a full week all month - the first week because of a leaky pipe and the rest because of snow days! I'm not going to lie - I don't mind having a four day week every week! On the downside, it has really messed things up at school because we're up against the end of the semester. Finals had to be rescheduled. Huge pain!
Our last snow day (Thursday) resulted in a big group of us going to hear the BSO! Six of us headed down - despite the parking ban - to brave the snow piles and get our rush tickets for the Boston Symphony. We found a fun place for dinner called the Cactus Club. Delicious margaritas and it's the kind of place we can hang for awhile without feeling pressured to leave right away. How nice that we live so close to Boston and get to do this!
Here's hoping that your January was wonderful!
Reading: Books and Audio Books
January started off on the absolute right foot with Priya Parmar's Exit the Actress. I absolutely loved it! I'm so sure you will love it too, I'm hosting my first giveaway. Click the link above - the giveaway form is at the end of the post. It's open internationally all through the month of February!
I continued my growing appreciation for Margaret Atwood when I read Cat's Eye. Terribly hurtful in some places - but very real. It had been on my shelf for over a year, folks! This is why I can't let my TBR pile get too crazy - really great books get lost in the shuffle! Oh yeah - Cat's Eye was one of my selections in the TBR challenge hosted by Roof Beam Reader! Progress!
Love the One You're With by Emily Giffin proved to be a great audio book for January. Light and fun, it was perfect to guide me on my commute - especially coming back from winter break!
Reading: The Friday Five
I've been taking my google reader seriously this month (so far) - and it feels great! Did you miss some posts this month? No worries. I've got you covered. Five great blog posts from each week in January!
January 7
January 14
January 21
January 28
Reading: Where's My Bookmark?
I'm ahead of schedule in my War and Peace read-along... page 154. I'm excited to find the book to be pretty accessible thus far. I was expecting the language to be very dense - think Tolkien - and was surprised and pleased to find it flowing so easily.
I'm about a third of the way through Jane Eyre and loving every word! I really loved the forward, which prompted me to do a little research on Charlotte Bronte.
I'm about two-thirds of the way through the audio book The Kitchen House by Kathleen Grissom. I heard one blogger describe this book as non-stop anxiety - in a good way. They were right. A fantastic story, I look forward to my drive to work... and that's saying a lot!
Life: Outside the Pages
We've had a lot of snow up here in NH this month! In fact, I have not worked a full week all month - the first week because of a leaky pipe and the rest because of snow days! I'm not going to lie - I don't mind having a four day week every week! On the downside, it has really messed things up at school because we're up against the end of the semester. Finals had to be rescheduled. Huge pain!
Quimby. We sat on the couch and read together. He's six pounds of love.
Our last snow day (Thursday) resulted in a big group of us going to hear the BSO! Six of us headed down - despite the parking ban - to brave the snow piles and get our rush tickets for the Boston Symphony. We found a fun place for dinner called the Cactus Club. Delicious margaritas and it's the kind of place we can hang for awhile without feeling pressured to leave right away. How nice that we live so close to Boston and get to do this!
View from the second balcony. We don't pay too much attention to what seats are actually on the tickets - we just head up to the second balcony. Beautiful hall! It smells like old sheet music and leather seats. Happiness!
Here's hoping that your January was wonderful!

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