1. I love "A Room of One's Own". Such thoughtful and thought provoking posts! Jillian's post about Louisa May Alcott will not disappoint! Stop by for details (some surprising) about the woman behind Little Women.
2. and 3. I'm sure you've all heard about the ridiculous censoring of Mark Twain. "Dead White Guys" and "Roof Beam Reader" each had fantastic posts about it.
4. I like big books and I cannot lie... Thank you, thank you, thank you to Katie over at "Book Love" for sharing this. Can I work at this school???
5. This post at "The Sassy Curmudgeon" received an immediate entry in my Friday Five because the title alone made me burst out laughing. Fortunately it was also a great post! A Beard In The Hand Is Worth Two In The Bush... Wait, That Sounds Wrong.
Enjoy! Also - sorry this Friday Five feels a little rushed... Maybe it's just me in real life feeling a little rushed? :)

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