Happy Friday!
Someone turned 7 months today!
And we have a snow day!

1. As I said, we have a beautiful snow day today. I needed it because my mom usually babysits on Thursdays and Fridays. She hurt her back so she can't drive and really shouldn't be picking up my cutie. Yesterday Dennis and I each took a half day and made it work. Today I was going to have to drive to her house to drop him off, then to work (that's two hours in the car already). Then reverse it in the afternoon. No fun. So when I saw this post at Serendipitous I had to smile because although I'm so ready for spring I was really crossing my fingers for the snow!
2. I'm a big fan of David Sedaris. Me Talk Pretty One Day has been on my wishlist for awhile, so naturally I enjoyed reading about it over at The Literate Man.
3. Write Meg posted about a very bookish baby shower. I loved reading this post not only for the adorable ideas, but because it made me think of my own bookish baby shower. Love stuff like this!
4. My YA fans may enjoy this post over at Book Riot. An advisor takes YA characters and makes notes in their "file". I thought it was great!
5. Scary Mommy - I'm so glad I found this blog. I loved this post about what is normal. I read it as I was literally Facebook chatting with a friend about what our kids are eating for solids, what other kids are eating, and if we're doing what's right. Constant questioning happens over in my house!
Enjoy your Friday - happy weekend!

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