I'm totally re-thinking how I'm going to do the Five. I need to spend some blog re-organizing time next week. I'd kind of like to change the design... but we'll have to see.
Some wonderful things:
* I'm on February vacation next week! (Reason #837 to be a teacher!!)
* I'm coming into work one day next week with some wonderful students who are going to organize my file cabinet!
* I'm looking at some beautiful long stem roses from Dennis!
* Dominic had his 6 month check-up and he's looking good! He's got a big head, but no cause for alarm... we think it's genetic. ;) Dennis' genetics, not mine!
Some posts you should totally check out!
1. Posts that lengthened my wishlist!
Every week that wishlist gets a little longer as I see reviews for books that sound right up my alley!
Desperate Reader posted about The Phantom of the Opera, which I so need to read. I was obsessed with the musical as a kid. Obsessed in a terrified way - I thought the phantom lived in the laundry room and I was afraid to go down there. Luckily I've outgrown my fear! Our high school is doing this musical in the spring, so it is the perfect time to read the actual book!
Caroline Bookbinder posted about The Art Forger. It sounds fabulous, and I think I'll be recommending it to my mom. She was an art major in college and she would have fun with the subject!
Leeswammes' Blog reviewed a book called Still. I'm not usually into short stories (I never seem to feel like the characters and setting get fully developed), but this sounds like a neat idea for a collection of short stories. Photograph inspired! How cool!
2. Posts that got added to my recipe collection.
I have a google document folder that contains a ton of recipes! I turn to it weekly for ideas for dinner. This week I added two more to the collection, and they're both from Skinny Taste. Chicken and Andiouille Sausage because I'm always looking for new ways to cook chicken, and Honey-Teriyaki Salmon because salmon's good for you, my husband doesn't really like it, and this seems like a way to make it appealing to him!
3. A post that made me feel hopeful - just as the title states!
Thank you to The Betty and Boo Chronicles for delivering hope to my windowless office. Specifically, pictures of springtime sprouts peeking through the snow, and hope that spring is indeed right around the corner. I'm more excited for it than ever now that I'll have a little man to push on a swing and take on walks!
4. Posts that made me smile.
The Broke and the Bookish discuss the double space mistake so many of us make (and I will continue to make because I just can't change now). Loving Books has some Valentine reading suggestions depending on what you're in the mood for! Finally, The Kitchen Witch links to a post about Valentine's Day then (before kids) and now (with kids). Very true. Very funny.
5. A post that will help me organize.
Practically Functional has instructions for a DIY purse organizer. This is perfect for me right now! I just started February vacation, and organize my wallet/purses is on my list of things I'd like to do. (Lots of my list involves organization this vacation!)
Enjoy the Five, friends! Happy Friday!

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