We got completely buried this weekend! Over two feet of snow fell in a little more than 24 hours - and it was glorious! I'm a fan of winter weather. I am a teacher, after all. I don't usually have to drive into work if it's messy out; I just get to enjoy the beauty.
We didn't go anywhere. Wait, let me rephrase. I didn't go anywhere. Husband dearest did the grocery shopping and I hung with Dominic. When he napped I didn't spend the whole time cleaning and doing laundry. I caught up on reviews. I sorted my google reader. It was amazing.
It's actually doing a snowy sleety thing outside right now. I had planned on feeding the little man and heading off to daycare around 8:30, but he fell into an adorable sleep and I didn't have the heart to strap him into his carrier and whisk him off.
Mornings like this make me thankful for my schedule.
I work in 5 buildings. I teach three high school classes, then spend the end of each day at a different elementary school. This basically means that if I have a first period class I start my day at the high school time and end at the elementary school time. If I have a second period class, I start at what is essentially the middle school time, and end at the elementary school time. It boils down to me working about 7 extra hours every time our high school schedule rotates. So you're asking, how am I thankful for what is essentially an extra work day unpaid? I'll tell you. To balance this out, I come in late when I don't have a first or second period class. Totally worth it. I get a few long days in a row, then I get to have a lazy morning with Dom. I love it! It's beautiful because I got to let him sleep at home this morning while I got a few things done. There are not many teachers who get this flexibility in their schedules, and I constantly remind myself of how lucky I am.
I'm trying to make the most of this time before I strap on my thinking cap and head back to grad school in May. Four more classes. That's 8 months. 8 months of using every spare moment to do homework. It's going to suck. But after that I'm done. I'll have my degree, and a raise, and a wonderful feeling of accomplishment.
Until May, I'll be trying to enjoy as much as possible!
We didn't go anywhere. Wait, let me rephrase. I didn't go anywhere. Husband dearest did the grocery shopping and I hung with Dominic. When he napped I didn't spend the whole time cleaning and doing laundry. I caught up on reviews. I sorted my google reader. It was amazing.
It's actually doing a snowy sleety thing outside right now. I had planned on feeding the little man and heading off to daycare around 8:30, but he fell into an adorable sleep and I didn't have the heart to strap him into his carrier and whisk him off.
Mornings like this make me thankful for my schedule.
I work in 5 buildings. I teach three high school classes, then spend the end of each day at a different elementary school. This basically means that if I have a first period class I start my day at the high school time and end at the elementary school time. If I have a second period class, I start at what is essentially the middle school time, and end at the elementary school time. It boils down to me working about 7 extra hours every time our high school schedule rotates. So you're asking, how am I thankful for what is essentially an extra work day unpaid? I'll tell you. To balance this out, I come in late when I don't have a first or second period class. Totally worth it. I get a few long days in a row, then I get to have a lazy morning with Dom. I love it! It's beautiful because I got to let him sleep at home this morning while I got a few things done. There are not many teachers who get this flexibility in their schedules, and I constantly remind myself of how lucky I am.
I'm trying to make the most of this time before I strap on my thinking cap and head back to grad school in May. Four more classes. That's 8 months. 8 months of using every spare moment to do homework. It's going to suck. But after that I'm done. I'll have my degree, and a raise, and a wonderful feeling of accomplishment.
Until May, I'll be trying to enjoy as much as possible!

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