No, I'm not listening to hip-hop. I've discovered pandora's "big band" station. Which is slightly old lady, I admit it, but it just works nicely especially when there's a cool breeze coming through the kitchen windows and I get to have a cup of coffee at home! I know you know what I mean.
A huge Thank you!! to Jennifer at Crazy for Books for hosting the hop!
At Kate's Library you'll find reviews of literary and historical fiction. My reading is way slow lately and it's all because of grad school. I continue to be thankful for all the readers who are bearing with me while I'm forced to read academic journals and textbook chapters instead of books. (Although you can expect my next Les Miserables post to be up today or tomorrow!)
Okay. To the prompt. This week...
What upcoming releases are you most looking forward to?I've never really been someone who gets really excited about new releases, unless it's a series I've been reading and am waiting for the next book, or an author I love who has not published something for years. So I guess I don't really have an answer, but if I'm forced to answer I'd say the next "Game of Thrones" book. I've read 2 in the series and am purposely doing it kind of slow because the books are coming out slow.
What about you?

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