Hey everyone! Happy weekend!
A huge "Thank you!!" to Jennifer at Crazy for Books for hosting the hop. If you're visiting for the first time, welcome! At Kate's Library you'll mainly find reviews of literary fiction and historical fiction. I'm super busy these days with grad school and getting ready for my new baby (due in August!), so my reading is definitely a lot slower than it usually is. Bear with me.
Our prompt this week...
If you were to write a book, what type of book would you write?I suppose it would be a "literary fiction" kind of book, since that's what I'm interested in. I'm curious to see what other bloggers have to say in response to this prompt. I wonder if people see themselves writing the same genres they read? I like to write, but I don't really see myself as a writer. I think blogging is the fit for me.
What about you?

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