But first, some wonderful things...
* Walking into orchestra rehearsal to find your students have planned a surprise baby shower for you. I told them that my heart was very full.
* Taking Grammy to the doctor and having her not be a ball of stress, but just say to the doctor - "Well, I'm moving a little slower, but I know it's because I'm 90."
* Watching my little cat (Quimby) attempt to jump onto the windowsill, misjudge the distance, and come up short - only to walk away as if nothing happened. Hey. I saw that.
Here's some five for you.
Posts that amuse and inform
1. I don't ride the subway (or as we call it in Boston... the T) often, but when I do I'm always intrigued by the characters you see. I was particularly amused by this post at An Attitude Adjustment about public transportation. I've seen some of these same people, I think!
I was part of a book club at one time, and would like to be a part of one again! I appreciated this post at Pen and Paper about book club dos and don'ts.
Posts that lengthened my wishlist (umm... that's what she - or rather he - said?)
2. I love John Irving (it doesn't get much better than A Prayer for Owen Meany... thanks Mr. Woodworth for assigning this fabulous summer reading for high school AP English!). I had to add In One Person to my wishlist after seeing reviews at two fantastic blogs - Roof Beam Reader and The New Dork Review of Books!
The Shadow of the Wind has definitely been on my radar, but I didn't officially add it to my wishlist until seeing this post over at Avid Reader's Musings.
Now, a book I hadn't heard of but immediately added to the list after reading a review over at Seaside Book Corner. The Story of Beautiful Girl sounds like it's right up my alley!
Don't judge, but I have not read The Book Thief. <Gasp!> I've heard it's fantastic from so many other bloggers, and this post over at Peppermint Ph.D. made me realize this books needs to be read, friends!
Thank you, Tiny Library for helping me to remember that Agnes Grey needs to be checked off of my list. In fact, it's rather embarrassing to still be on the list.
Posts that have inspired my cooking
3. I'm not a vegetarian, but I'm a fan of the veggie burger and black bean burger. Actually, the UNH dining hall (where I have the pleasure of gaining 5 pounds every summer while working at camp) serves a really delicious veggie burger - I love to top it with sour cream, lettuce, and tomato! This recipe for spicy black bean burgers with chipotle mayonnaise over at Skinny Taste is something I will definitely be trying out this summer!
I bought strawberries at the grocery store last week and didn't use them! Oh no! What to do?? Good thing Smitten Kitchen has the answer - and it looks absolutely delicious. Strawberries and Cream Biscuits! This will be my breakfast next week. It doesn't get much better than biscuits for breakfast!
Miracle Mac & Cheese. That's all it took for me to "star" this post over at Budge Bytes. Inexpensive, looks delicious, and will provide a little happiness when paired with spinach salads for lunch next week.
Finally, this recipe at Skinny Taste looks so summery and healthy and delicious. Shrimp Pad Thai. Yes, please.
Posts about books I loved
4. I love seeing reviews of books I've read and adore. You should check these out. And you don't have to take my word for it... Snowflower and the Secret Fan over at The Blue Bookcase (be forewarned you may become obsessed with google image searching "foot binding"), and The Shining at Sarah Reads Too Much. Enjoy!
Ray Bradbury
5. Once again. Don't judge. I've never read Fahrenheit 451. My dad tried to get me into it when I was a kid, but I think I was just too young to get it. I have a lovely copy on my shelf, and I'm fully aware that it needs to be read. Another embarrassing lack of checkmark on my list. Here's a beautiful post about Ray Bradbury over at A Literary Odyssey.
I hope everyone has a fabulous weekend!!

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