The Friday Five {June 29 - July 1}

Happy happy Friday!!! 

Get ready for the most half-assed Friday Five post in history.  I'm visiting Mom, we spent a beautiful day by the pool and are about to start slicing veggies for dinner.  I love the Five, but I'd rather be doing that!  So this resembles more of a links list, and there are more than five.  Oh well!

*  Something about summer gets me in the mood for Jane Austen - a review of Sense and Sensibility at Avid Reader's Musings.

*  Speaking of Jane Austen - some information that should be shared about Book Rat's upcoming "Austen in August!"

*  Some blissful beauty over at Dancing Matilda.

*  I've been playing with eye make-up, and loved this post at The Beauty Department on how to create smoky dramatic eyes!

The Book Lady's Blog gives us tips on expanding our literary horizons.

*  More beauty and a photo of where I wish I was over at Write Meg!

*  A review for Nickled and Dimed over at Literary Musings - I've heard mixed things on this book, and this review highlights things I would probably also take issue with!

Herby Cucumber Salad from The Kitchen Witch.  So summery looking!

*  A post that had me saying "Yes!" at Estella's Revenge.

*  This was so neat!  Thank you to Elephants On Trapezes for sharing this video of "Starry Night" being created with dominos!!

*  A beautiful photo of "Golden Summer" at Whimsy.  I look at it and feel like Laura Ingalls is about to jump into the shot!
