It's Friday, my friends! Let's celebrate with sharing some blog love. But first...
Wonderful things:
* Sleeping with the windows open and hearing the peepers!
* Crossing things off your to-do list.
* Long weekends!
Here's Five.
Posts that expanded my google reader.
1. Fabulous Top 10 Tuesday this week. I subscribe to lots of blogs - many of which are non-bookish, and I added a few more to the list this week thanks to Top 10. Here are some links you'll want to check out. (Links to blogs that are linking other blogs! How fun is that?!)
The Broke and the Bookish
Avid Reader's Musings
What Red Read
Peppermint Ph. D.
Sarah Reads Too Much
Estella's Revenge
Posts that made me laugh.
2. Since I work with kids (high school and elementary - total opposite ends of the spectrum!), I really got a kick out of this post at Tina Says about her daughter figuring out words through context. Too cute.
The Kitchen Witch had me laughing this week too. I definitely remember going through phases as a kid - that I won't mention here - where I did or said things that I'm sure mortified my family and those near me. This "Belly!" post is pretty fantastic.
I kind of love frogs and toads. I find them adorable. So naturally I loved this picture over at Under My Apple Tree. I have a vague memory of my little bro, Jared, kissing a frog like this once. If memory serves, mom was disgusted, I thought it was funny, and Jared just really wanted to let the toad know he loved animals.
Posts about books!
3. Page Turners reviewed a book that I've had on my list for a little while. My mom also read it, and she and Page Turners both seem to agree that We Need to Talk About Kevin was simultaneously one of the best, and one of the most disturbing things they've ever read. Great review!
Someone recommended Housewives Eating Bon Bons to me several years ago. I stuck it on my list without really knowing much about it. So glad I saw a review for it at Seaside Book Corner because apparently it's not as fluffy as I thought!
Another classic that for some silly reason just got added to my wishlist. What's wrong with me?? Thank you to Roof Beam Reader for reviewing Notre-Dame de Paris so I can roll my eyes at myself and put it on my list!
I had never heard of The Red Garden but think it may be right up my alley. Thank you Estella's Revenge for the review... and for adding another book to my wishlist!
Speaking of books that got added to my wishlist this week, we have one more! Things Mean A Lot wrote about Mrs. Robinson's Disgrace and I think it sounds really interesting. Perhaps a little different than what I usually pick up, but a wishlist addition nonetheless!
Posts that look delicious.
4. I have a great recipe for french onion soup from this book I received at my bridal shower. I make it in the dead of winter and it's so delicious and comforting. This post at Smitten Kitchen looks fabulous because it's a springy version!
The Kitchen Witch posted an appetizer this week; Salami Crisps. Maybe it's my unborn child talking, but they sound absolutely delicious!
A humorous food post for you - The Sassy Curmudgeon has a post about condiments. I especially like the one about the amount of Half&Half she wants in her coffee. I've gotten a lot better, but I remember a time when Dennis was ordering for me. He told the cashier to put more cream than you'd think a normal person would want to have. Yes!
Posts that promote discussion and inspiration.
5. Estella's Revenge wants to know if you prefer a good story, or good writing. I'm a little undecided, since I usually prefer good writing, but sometimes the story is just too good and I ignore the bad writing. (Um. Twilight. Not a fan of the writing but thought the story was pretty imaginative. Plus, my 7th grade orchestra students were really into it and I had to know what was prompting teenagers to read with such abandon!)
I'm not much of a YA fan (after I write that I thought Twilight was imaginative, I see the irony.). However, Book Rat has compiled a recommendations list I think a lot of you may want to check out!!
How did I miss this? A video of J. K. Rowling giving a commencement address at Harvard. (More YA! Pure coincidence!) Really inspiring, and if you have not seen it, and especially if you're a Rowling fan, it's well worth your time to watch this 20-minute video. I wouldn't lead you astray. Thank you to Wicked Wonderful Words for posting!
Whew. If you want to link up, feel free to do so with the linky below. Remember - this is an open ended meme, you can share five pictures, five posts, five categories of posts, whatever. The sky's the limit!
Wonderful things:
* Sleeping with the windows open and hearing the peepers!
* Crossing things off your to-do list.
* Long weekends!

Posts that expanded my google reader.
1. Fabulous Top 10 Tuesday this week. I subscribe to lots of blogs - many of which are non-bookish, and I added a few more to the list this week thanks to Top 10. Here are some links you'll want to check out. (Links to blogs that are linking other blogs! How fun is that?!)
The Broke and the Bookish
Avid Reader's Musings
What Red Read
Peppermint Ph. D.
Sarah Reads Too Much
Estella's Revenge
Posts that made me laugh.
2. Since I work with kids (high school and elementary - total opposite ends of the spectrum!), I really got a kick out of this post at Tina Says about her daughter figuring out words through context. Too cute.
The Kitchen Witch had me laughing this week too. I definitely remember going through phases as a kid - that I won't mention here - where I did or said things that I'm sure mortified my family and those near me. This "Belly!" post is pretty fantastic.
I kind of love frogs and toads. I find them adorable. So naturally I loved this picture over at Under My Apple Tree. I have a vague memory of my little bro, Jared, kissing a frog like this once. If memory serves, mom was disgusted, I thought it was funny, and Jared just really wanted to let the toad know he loved animals.
Posts about books!
3. Page Turners reviewed a book that I've had on my list for a little while. My mom also read it, and she and Page Turners both seem to agree that We Need to Talk About Kevin was simultaneously one of the best, and one of the most disturbing things they've ever read. Great review!
Someone recommended Housewives Eating Bon Bons to me several years ago. I stuck it on my list without really knowing much about it. So glad I saw a review for it at Seaside Book Corner because apparently it's not as fluffy as I thought!
Another classic that for some silly reason just got added to my wishlist. What's wrong with me?? Thank you to Roof Beam Reader for reviewing Notre-Dame de Paris so I can roll my eyes at myself and put it on my list!
I had never heard of The Red Garden but think it may be right up my alley. Thank you Estella's Revenge for the review... and for adding another book to my wishlist!
Speaking of books that got added to my wishlist this week, we have one more! Things Mean A Lot wrote about Mrs. Robinson's Disgrace and I think it sounds really interesting. Perhaps a little different than what I usually pick up, but a wishlist addition nonetheless!
Posts that look delicious.
4. I have a great recipe for french onion soup from this book I received at my bridal shower. I make it in the dead of winter and it's so delicious and comforting. This post at Smitten Kitchen looks fabulous because it's a springy version!
The Kitchen Witch posted an appetizer this week; Salami Crisps. Maybe it's my unborn child talking, but they sound absolutely delicious!
A humorous food post for you - The Sassy Curmudgeon has a post about condiments. I especially like the one about the amount of Half&Half she wants in her coffee. I've gotten a lot better, but I remember a time when Dennis was ordering for me. He told the cashier to put more cream than you'd think a normal person would want to have. Yes!
Posts that promote discussion and inspiration.
5. Estella's Revenge wants to know if you prefer a good story, or good writing. I'm a little undecided, since I usually prefer good writing, but sometimes the story is just too good and I ignore the bad writing. (Um. Twilight. Not a fan of the writing but thought the story was pretty imaginative. Plus, my 7th grade orchestra students were really into it and I had to know what was prompting teenagers to read with such abandon!)
I'm not much of a YA fan (after I write that I thought Twilight was imaginative, I see the irony.). However, Book Rat has compiled a recommendations list I think a lot of you may want to check out!!
How did I miss this? A video of J. K. Rowling giving a commencement address at Harvard. (More YA! Pure coincidence!) Really inspiring, and if you have not seen it, and especially if you're a Rowling fan, it's well worth your time to watch this 20-minute video. I wouldn't lead you astray. Thank you to Wicked Wonderful Words for posting!
Whew. If you want to link up, feel free to do so with the linky below. Remember - this is an open ended meme, you can share five pictures, five posts, five categories of posts, whatever. The sky's the limit!

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