Wonderful things:
Crazy fun weekend in the works... my sister-in-law is getting married tomorrow so Dennis and I are headed down to Rhode Island to stay in a nice hotel, do the rehearsal/rehearsal party tonight, and then all the wedding fun tomorrow! Can't wait!
Here are my three...
1. This just made me laugh out loud. "The Betty and Boo Chronicles" shares the first line of Boo's homework. I won't spoil it by saying what he wrote - but you should know I went to college with a guy who used to do this (to the great amusement of my friends and I!).
2. A very interesting post by Risa at "Breadcrumb Reads" all about the man behind Shakespeare. Well written and conversation inducing!
3. Jillian at "A Room of One's Own" has a great post all about Victor Hugo, which I find particularly interesting since I'm reading Les Miserables in 2012!
Have a great weekend, friends!

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