I know I missed some wonderful posts - last week and the week before were insane as I began my third grad class and I think it's going to be a tough one. I have a feeling I may be skipping weeks and doing bigger posts later. At least until the week before Christmas and I get a month (!!!) off from homework!
Here are the posts I accumulated, some bookish, some not. Just my personal mix!
1. A review of Les Miserables at "The Reading Life". I'm 99% sure I'm hosting a read-along on this book throughout 2012. Perhaps I will organize that this weekend?
2. A little book humor at "The Betty and Boo Chronicles". Find out what happens when library bar codes make books naughty.
3. The Historian has been on my shelf for about three years! I really want to read it but always end up turning to something else instead. One of these days I'll go for it because it sounds fantastic! A review from "The Story Girl"!
4. I love "The Office", and I love Mindy Kaling! "Curled Up With A Good Book and A Cup of Tea" reviewed Mindy's book Is Everyone Hanging Out With Me? (And Other Concerns)
5. Two posts of seasonal beauty. "Whimsy" and "Serendipitous" - showing the lovely things in life.
6. This post is just scary! My brother had a hornet's nest like this in a bush near his house and they had to call the town to come and remove it. Quick story - we had this underground hornet's nest on the edge of the woods when I was a kid. there were these good sized holes in the ground and wasps would go down in the holes. Terrible stuff. My Dad was stacking wood and got stung. ...and got pissed. And because my Dad is who he is, he poured gasoline down the hole and lit it on fire. The wasps did not survive the encounter. I'm sure Dad didn't think this through because it seems like a bad idea to light a fire next to a pile of wood on the edge of the woods... Thank you to "Under My Apple Tree" for bringing back this memory!
7. Looking for dinner tonight? Look no further. "Annie's Eats" has it covered - Mushroom and Brown Rice Casserole! Delicious!
Hope everyone has a fantastic weekend!!!

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