Wonderful things...
1. Walking out of my office knowing that everything is set and ready to go for the first day of school.
2. Relaxing on the couch and rediscovering the TV series "Felicity" on netflix.
3. A long weekend where Dennis is home with me on Monday.
1. I saw "The Help" last week and really loved it, which is why I was so excited to hear Jen's take at "The Introverted Reader". Not only a great review of the movie, but great personal stories to boot!
2. Writing and blogging. Of course Marian Schembari has great things to say. So I write like I talk. Sue me.
3. Anne Nahm never fails to make me laugh. Click over to hear about how she witnessed a Mommy drive by, also know as the time she was almost beaned in the head with a juice cup.
4. I love it when Sassy adds captions to the ridiculous ads in women's magazines.
5. "The Window Seat Reader" is talking book covers, and why sometimes what's happening on them doesn't match the story. I've noticed it too!
Have a great weekend!

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