Wonderful things:
*Reorganized filing cabinets.
*Time to cook dinner.
*Tea with Grammy.
*Pedicures and fun nail polish in general.
*Hurricane Irene is not so wonderful, but curling up with a book during the storm will be.
1. Pure fun. Does it get much better than a hot guy reading? Thank you to "Your Move, Dickens" for sharing not only the beautiful picture, but the link to a whole site devoted to this subject.
2. Seasons clicking. A post from "Green Girl in Wisconsin" that pretty much sums up what I've been feeling these days. You start to feel the seasons click at the end of August - for me it's the cooler night air, high corn stalks, rose of sharon blooming, and increased activity in my work email. Click here to read how Green Girl feels the seasons click.
3. Seasons clicking again at "Serendipitous" - evidence that color's coming. A few red leaves sprinkled in a sea of green.
4. Rant-Inducing. A wonderful post and conversation happening at "The New Dork Review of Books" - our President is reading on his vacation - which is fantastic. From this comes a ridiculous article criticizing his author gender choice. Really? As my Grammy said when I told her, someone needs to get a life.

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