The Friday Five {August 19-21}

Hey everyone!  It's Friday!

Wonderful things...

*  I'm working on my final project for my class, which means as soon as I'm done, I get two weeks sans grad school!  Woo-hoo!

* The smell of wet earth on a summer morning.

* Iced coffee with breakfast.

On to the five...

1.  A very thoughtful review from Jen at "The Introverted Reader".  I've read many reviews of Major Pettigrew's Last Stand, but this was the one that made me put it on my list!

2.  Allie from "A Literary Odyssey" reflects on being a Park Ranger, and what she has learned in the process.  Great timing (for me, anyway!) because I just spent last weekend camping at a state park!

3.  Willa is the author of a new-to-me blog "Wicked Wonderful Words".  She posted a great review for a book I'd never heard of, Purge by Sofi Oksanen.  After reading her thoughts, I decided to add it to my list!  (Don't you love it when that happens?)

4.  Another book added to the list this week, this time from Melissa over at "The Avid Reader's Musings".  The Brooklyn Follies by Paul Auster sounds like something I'd really like!!

5.  A little fun to end my list!  "The Kitchen Witch" had me giggling all by myself when I read her post about lessons her children have taught her.  If you are expecting a sappy list - "They've taught me to see the world with childlike wonder..." - think again.  Very cute, and very funny!

Have a great weekend everyone! 
