1. Some happiness from "Every Book and Cranny" - a little Walt Whitman to start your weekend out right!
2. Rebecca at "The Books Lady's Blog" has a question for you. How do you manage your reading life? I've bookmarked this link and am looking forward to hearing what people have to say. I find myself often asking the same question. For me, it's more of a work issue - sometimes it completely takes over my life (...and I don't even have kids yet, UGH!) and it's hard to find a spare moment with my book!
3. Another question from another blog. Jillian from "A Room of One's Own" wants to know, are you a book reviewer, or an enthusiastic reader journaling your progress? Is there a difference? I'm looking forward to these comments too. I'm a reader who is using my blog as a public journal of what I read. I also really enjoy the community of readers, and connecting with others who understand what it means to love a good book! Join in the conversation!
4. I love orange chicken - and this is a yummy recipe. I can't resist sharing. Thanks to "My Happy Meals" for passing it along!
5. Another book on the wishlist, thanks to "Kritters Ramblings"! Click over to see her thoughts on The Kitchen Daughter.
Hope everyone enjoys the weekend!

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