I was pretty caught up on my google reader last Wednesday, then I took off to the Music Educators Conference in Boston! I love the conference! Great sessions, and I spent three days in the city with great friends - it's a sure sign that spring is right around the corner!
To say that work is hectic would be an understatement. A huge understatement. I'm preparing my orchestra to go to the MICCA music festival next week (April 8!) so life is a big ball of stress until that's over. Long story short - I had almost 700 blog posts to read when I finally found time to sit down with my computer yesterday! O. M. G. I didn't want to do the unthinkable (mark them all as "read"), so I did the best I could. I skimmed. I know I missed out on some great posts. But. I did my best. Here are 8 that I thought you may like!
1. Oh wow! Thank you to "Seaside Book Corner" for posting this trailer. Snow Flower and the Secret Fan is a favorite of mine, and I'll be pretty excited to see the movie! I have a feeling this will prompt a re-read. :)
2. My friend, Corinne, from "Trains, Tutus and Tea Time" has opened an Esty shop! A Soft Landing is definitely worth checking out - beautiful knitted items! (I'm particularly fond of the little coffee cup holders.)
3. I mentioned above that my stress level has been pretty high this past week. I anticipate it to remain this way until Friday - so thank you to "Brene Brown" for these words of inspiration and reassurance. I wrote it on pink paper and tacked it to my cork board next to my desk at work!
4. Big news on "The Sassy Curmudgeon" this week. There's going to be a baby Curmudgeon. Or a little Sassy. :) Am I the only one who is greatly looking forward to the hilarity that will ensue? I'm ready to hear about pregnancy in a whole new way!
5. I had to smile when I saw this post by Chris at "Serendipitous". At last. I saw some buds on my lilac bush this week. Spring can't come fast enough!
6. I'm a fan of Geraldine Brooks. Thank you to Kristin over at "Always with a Book" for posting an interesting interview with Ms. Brooks! There's a giveaway too... totally worth checking out!
7. I've said before I'm not a huge reader of YA. I do like to check them out if I feel like they're something new and different - for example, I've heard so much about The Hunger Games and The Book Thief that I feel compelled to check them out at some point. Rebecca at "Elephants on Trapezes" hit it right with these YA trends that she is so over!
8. I'm sure I'm not the only person who... started a blog. Had no followers. Discovered this fantastic community of bloggers. Started commenting. Started getting people commenting back. In retrospect, this is not rocket science! I found this post at "Marian Schembari" interesting - how to leave quality comments. (Am I the only person who dislikes the "nice post. check out my blog!!!!" comments? Granted, sometimes all I have time to do at work is write out a quick "nice post". But still...
I hope everyone has a restful and fun weekend! Happy April!

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