Happy Friday! Want to join the Friday Five? Of course you do...
Let's start the fun!
1. Did you know Wuthering Heights is Bella and Edward's favorite book? It's true. It's right there - printed on the cover... you know, to give you a reason to read Wuthering Heights. Gag. What's going on out there? Jillian from "A Room of One's Own" wants to know what literature is coming to. She also wants to know Abraham Lincoln, Vampire Hunter? Seriously??
2. Do you ever go walking around the mall, see an outfit in the a shop window and think to yourself "Wow... (insert favorite literary character) would totally wear that." No? Am I strange? Sarah from "Loving Books" is doing something similar, only with nail polish. A totally fun post - Behind every girl is an amazing nail polish.
3. When my brother and his wife were looking to move out of their apartment, my grandmother suggested they look for a place that's not too big. Someplace where they cut the lawn for you, and take care of the snow. How about living in a nice condom? Obviously a brief sex ed. lesson was in order. Thanks to Dan at
"Single Dad Laughing" for reminding us that Grandmas say the Darndest Things!
4. So another funny post for you. Can you tell I had one of those weeks where humor is greatly appreciated? "The Crazy Life of a Writing Mom" shared a lovely story about a Girl Scouts meeting, an obnoxious mother, and faulty pants. Enjoy.
5. I've had Anna Karenina on my TBR list for awhile now. It intimidates me a little - not sure why - but I know it will be worth it. Amanda over at "Dead White Guys" shares her thoughts on this classic - in the wonderfully fantastic and funny way that Amanda shares her thoughts on classics!

Let's start the fun!

2. Do you ever go walking around the mall, see an outfit in the a shop window and think to yourself "Wow... (insert favorite literary character)
3. When my brother and his wife were looking to move out of their apartment, my grandmother suggested they look for a place that's not too big. Someplace where they cut the lawn for you, and take care of the snow. How about living in a nice condom? Obviously a brief sex ed. lesson was in order. Thanks to Dan at
"Single Dad Laughing" for reminding us that Grandmas say the Darndest Things!
4. So another funny post for you. Can you tell I had one of those weeks where humor is greatly appreciated? "The Crazy Life of a Writing Mom" shared a lovely story about a Girl Scouts meeting, an obnoxious mother, and faulty pants. Enjoy.
5. I've had Anna Karenina on my TBR list for awhile now. It intimidates me a little - not sure why - but I know it will be worth it. Amanda over at "Dead White Guys" shares her thoughts on this classic - in the wonderfully fantastic and funny way that Amanda shares her thoughts on classics!

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