Happy Friday!
If you're visiting Kate's Library for the first time, welcome! I hope you decide to stick around. Make sure to leave a comment so we can all check out your blog. ...and if you're a "follower" hopping over to say hi - HI!! Thanks for coming over.
I review mainly literary fiction and historical fiction. I occasionally link up with different memes - if the mood strikes me! I host a meme called "The Friday Five" which of course can be linked up at any point in the week - not just Fridays!
Many thanks to Crazy-For-Books for hosting the hop! Our question this week is...
What book influenced or changed your life? How did it influence/change you?
I would have to answer A Prayer for Owen Meany. The book is an absolute favorite of mine. I had to read it for AP English as a high school senior. This was the first book I had to read that was purely enjoyable for me. Previously I had always found myself reading while also trying to figure out what questions would likely be on the test. This book was different - I just read.
I think this is the beginning for me - I started rediscovering how much I love to read!
Thanks, Mr. Woodworth! :)

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