May I tease you - just a bit?
I just finished reading Exit the Actress by Priya Parmar - and oh my goodness was it fantastic. My heart is light right now not only with that bubbly feeling of finishing a wonderful book, but for my excitment for Priya! (Isn't it funny that through these interwebz you feel like you know someone you've never actually met?)
Ellen "Nell" Gwyn begins as an "orange girl" selling oranges in the Theatre Royal. She earns herself a place in the company, and eventually into the bed and heart of King Charles II.
I'm going to rush away and write all about it now - and use up all my willpower not to share more with you until the release date is closer (February 1, 2011). Will this be the first giveaway at Kate's Library???
What a delightful first-read for 2011!
So my advice to you...
1. Visit Priya Parmar's website "The Plum Bean Project".
2. Check out the trailer for Exit the Actress.
3. Pre-order a copy!
I just finished reading Exit the Actress by Priya Parmar - and oh my goodness was it fantastic. My heart is light right now not only with that bubbly feeling of finishing a wonderful book, but for my excitment for Priya! (Isn't it funny that through these interwebz you feel like you know someone you've never actually met?)
Ellen "Nell" Gwyn begins as an "orange girl" selling oranges in the Theatre Royal. She earns herself a place in the company, and eventually into the bed and heart of King Charles II.
I'm going to rush away and write all about it now - and use up all my willpower not to share more with you until the release date is closer (February 1, 2011). Will this be the first giveaway at Kate's Library???
What a delightful first-read for 2011!
So my advice to you...
1. Visit Priya Parmar's website "The Plum Bean Project".
2. Check out the trailer for Exit the Actress.
3. Pre-order a copy!

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