Title: Running With Scissors
Author: Augusten Burroughs
Pages: 352
Genre: Memoir
Source: Audiobook - NH Downloadable Books
What you'll love: An unbelievable story.
What will bug you: How does anyone become a functioning adult when raised like this???
I've had this on my TBR list for awhile and I'm so glad I ended up listening to Augusten Burroughs read it! Unfortunately, I finished it about 5 weeks ago and am just reviewing it now - so the details are not as fresh as they should be. Oh well - there's another resolution for 2011. Timely reviews!
This is a memoir that gives us a glimpse into Augusten's life growing up. Running with Scissors gave me the same feeling as The Glass Castle. You find yourself wondering how this person was able to survive into adulthood. Obviously, Augusten Burroughs' and Jeanette Walls' stories are completely different - but in both stories I found myself shaking my head thinking "this is child abuse." It's hard to believe it's a true story.
I highly recommend this memoir! For those of you who are a bit sensitive in the language department - be warned that there's a lot of swearing. Language does not phase me - I don't exactly have a clean vocabulary, :) but there were enough f-bombs to justify a warning! There are some pretty graphic sex scenes as well - once again, this does not bother me, but there were enough that I think a warning is in order.
Loved it! If you do decide to read it - I think the audiobook version is terrific. I love it when I get a chance to hear the author read his/her work.
Author: Augusten Burroughs
Pages: 352
Genre: Memoir
Source: Audiobook - NH Downloadable Books
What you'll love: An unbelievable story.
What will bug you: How does anyone become a functioning adult when raised like this???
I've had this on my TBR list for awhile and I'm so glad I ended up listening to Augusten Burroughs read it! Unfortunately, I finished it about 5 weeks ago and am just reviewing it now - so the details are not as fresh as they should be. Oh well - there's another resolution for 2011. Timely reviews!
This is a memoir that gives us a glimpse into Augusten's life growing up. Running with Scissors gave me the same feeling as The Glass Castle. You find yourself wondering how this person was able to survive into adulthood. Obviously, Augusten Burroughs' and Jeanette Walls' stories are completely different - but in both stories I found myself shaking my head thinking "this is child abuse." It's hard to believe it's a true story.
I highly recommend this memoir! For those of you who are a bit sensitive in the language department - be warned that there's a lot of swearing. Language does not phase me - I don't exactly have a clean vocabulary, :) but there were enough f-bombs to justify a warning! There are some pretty graphic sex scenes as well - once again, this does not bother me, but there were enough that I think a warning is in order.
Loved it! If you do decide to read it - I think the audiobook version is terrific. I love it when I get a chance to hear the author read his/her work.

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