Happy Friday! Thank you to Jennifer at Crazy-For-Books for hosting the blog hop!
If you're visiting Kate's Library for the first time, welcome! I hope you decide to stick around. Make sure to leave a comment so we can all check out your blog. ...and if you're a "follower" hopping over to say hi - HI! Thanks for stopping by!
I review mainly literary and historical fiction. You'll also find "Virtual Coffee" posts, hosted by Amy at Lucky Number 13 - my chance to tell you the comings and goings of my life. I host a meme called "The Friday Five" - which of course can be linked up at any point in the week... not just Fridays!
Our question this week...
What very popular and hyped book in the blogosphere did you NOT enjoy, and how did you feel about posting your review?
I have a lame answer for you this week. I've only been blogging a little over a year, and I've yet to encounter a very hyped book that I didn't like. Maybe your comments will jog my memory of books pre-blog that I was not enjoying even though they received rave reviews...
Spill it - what do you think?

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