Imagine that we're really meeting for coffee today...
We'd probably have to grab a quick cup after I'm finished teaching for the day, and before I head over to concert number 2 (out of 11!!!!) this concert season. Ahh.... the life of a music teacher, right?
Important things first! How was your Thanksgiving? Where did you go? Who did you see? Was your table full of delicious items? For those of you not living in the US - how was your weekend? Are you ready for winter?
We kicked off our long Thanksgiving weekend with pizza and guitar hero with my brother and his wife on Wednesday evening. I had a half day at work, and Dennis got out early as well - what a treat!
I started Thanksgiving off with "running" in the Feaster Five - a 5K road race. Dennis stayed home and cooked sweet potato pie, and I met up with my brother (Jared), his wife (Katie), her brother (Little Joe), and her parents (Cathy and Big Joe). This is a pretty big race... there were a little over 10 thousand people participating. Little Joe took off like a shot, pushing aside small children and pregnant women (not really) to come in with a pretty decent time. Katie and I decided to do a walk/jog combo - nothing too strenuous because there were Christmas shopping discussions that needed to be had! Jared obliged and kept pace with us. Fun was had by all, even though it was f-ing freezing!
Thanksgiving feast was fun - this year we were with Dennis' family. Thanksgiving food is my ultimate comfort food, so I was a happy gal. Do you have a favorite on your Thanksgiving table?
Do you do any of your Christmas shopping online? We got some great Black Friday deals - all while sitting on the couch and wearing PJ's! I'd say we're more than halfway through shopping, which is pretty exciting!
I performed in a Holiday Pops concert with the NH Philharmonic Orchestra on Saturday night. This is my 9th year with the orchestra (WOW!) and going through those holiday tunes for the concert really kick off the holidays for me. What gets you in the holiday mood? Grammy came to the concert this time, which was very fun. It was a great night out for her!
...and back to work! We're officially in concert mode around here. My students are performing at Barnes & Noble tonight as part of a fund raiser (...which means I guess I'll be forced into buying a book or two. You know. Only to support the school.) What's on your nightstand these days?
Have a happy week - thanks for having coffee with me!

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