My coffee makes me want to hop...

Book Blogger Hop 

Happy Friday!  

If you're visiting Kate's Library for the first time - welcome!  I hope you decide to stick around.  Make sure to leave a comment so we can all check out your blog!  ...and if you're a "follower" hopping over to say hi - right back at ya!  Thanks for stopping in!

I review mainly literary and historical fiction, although I'm on a bit of a Harry Potter kick - trying to re-read the series before the movie comes out.  You'll also find "Virtual Coffee" posts, hosted by Amy at Lucky Number 13 - my chance to tell you all about the comings and goings in my life.  I host a meme called "The Friday Five" - which of course can be linked up at any point in the week... not just Fridays!

Our question this week...
If you find a book that looks interesting but is part of a series, do you always start with the first title?
Um.  Yes.  I can't think of any case where I've intentionally skipped books in a series.  I guess I have a short answer this week!

What about you???
