Hoppy Thanksgiving! (Too much? That's the best I can do without coffee.)
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I review mainly literary and historical fiction, although I'm on a bit of a Harry Potter kick - trying to re-read the series before the movie comes out. (I'm seeing the movie on Saturday night, so I have all the confidence in the world that I will have finished book 7 by then! Yay me!)
You'll also find "Virtual Coffee" posts, hosted by Amy at Lucky Number 13 - my chance to tell you all about the comings and goings in my life. I host a meme called "The Friday Five" - which of course can be linked up at any point in the week... not just Fridays!
Our question this week...
Since Thanksgiving is coming up next week, let's use this week's Hop to share what we are most thankful for and what our holiday traditions are.
I'm sure this will be a popular answer. I'm thankful for my healthy family. We found out my Mom had cancer this past summer. Since then, she's had surgery and doing wonderfully! I am thankful every day that she took care of her health and is doing well. Also, last week my Dad needed to have a biopsy which came back cancer-free. So we're feeling very thankful this holiday.
My husband and I usually alternate who we spend Thanksgiving with. This is his year, so we'll be spending Thanksgiving at his Aunt's house. I have wonderful in-laws - something else I'm thankful for, because I know some people do not feel this way.
What about you??

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