1. Kathy at "The Literary Amnesiac" reviewed Quite Ugly One Morning by Christopher Brookmyre. Kathy's reviews are always thoughtful, personal, and well written, and this one is no exception. The idea of a laugh-out-loud books sounds so appealing right now!
2. A thank you to Christopher at ProSe for giving us a poem this week. I needed some beautiful words in my windowless office. Autumn is such a beautiful time of year - how can it not inspire?
3. Brenna at "Literary Musings" shared a picture, and a quote that have been in my mind all day. It's my new goal to try and use this quote to my students today...
4. Only YOU can help prevent word death! A message from Rebecca over at "The Book Lady's Blog". Removing less popular words from the dictionary? For serious? Only a foppotee would suggest such a thing.
5. I was amused and slightly disgusted at Sassy's "TGI...WTF" this past week. I will not ruin it for you - you just need to click over and check it out. It left me shaking my head with the knowledge that people are strange.
6. Here's a bonus this week from "Stuff No One Told Me (but I learned anyway) - because it's cute and totally where I'm at this week.

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