If we were really meeting for coffee today...
It would be because I rescheduled on you - Tuesday was just too crazy!
How was your week? How is your family? How much do you love the fact that these past couple of days have reached 70 degrees?
Dennis and I spent the weekend sick. :(
We also spent it doing a deep clean of our house. It's lookin' good! I sorted through my painting debris and now have a functioning living room, which I have been enjoying very much.
Tonight I'm meeting my Gram and Mom while Gram gets her hair cut/colored. We're grabbing pizza next door when we're finished - a delightful pizza place that makes "beach pizza". Is this a New England expression? Square slices of pizza, thin crust, sweet sauce, and slices of cheese. So good.
Are you pumped for Halloween? Going to any parties? Trick-or-Treating with the kidos? We love handing out candy. We usually light a little fire in our outdoor fireplace and have pizza/wine outside with a big bowl of candy. This year it falls on a Sunday night, which sucks a little bit because it's a "school night" for the kids - and for me.
What was your favorite costume as a kid? I was the Wicked Witch of the West 90% of my trick-or-treat years. Then I became one of those teenagers who threw together some half assed costume to get free candy to take my brother trick-or-treating.
I actually had quite the obsession with the WWoftheW. I used to want to dress up like her - complete with green face make-up - for my afternoon walks with my Mom. I was probably 4-5 years old. I always felt she was misunderstood (the wicked witch, not my Mom). She's hanging around with her flying monkeys and some hotsie totsie comes along and kills her sister. WTF? I wouldn't be a happy camper either....and before you ask - Yes. I read "Wicked"! I liked it, but it bothered my obsessive nature when it deviated from the original story.
We have plans to pumpkin carve on Friday night with my
What are you reading these days? I've got less than 100 pages in Harry Potter 5 - Umbridge is pure evil.
Hugs! Thanks for meeting me on Wednesday this week - hopefully next week I'll have my act together a little more!

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