Notice the fangs on my pumpkin? Best. Mug. Ever.
I've always had a soft spot for Halloween. I call it my favorite holiday, but it's hard to put anything over Christmas - so I guess it's tied for "my favorite holiday"...
I've always been a fan of all things spooky. I love Halloween because of that, and because it's a culmination of my favorite season, autumn! When we were kids my brother and I used to play on "the rock". Yeah. We didn't have cable... I know how ridiculous it sounds, but it was fun. There was a small patch of "woods" next to our house and there were these two huge rocks with a little stream of swampy water running between them. We spent hours there - the rocks were obviously our houses, and we made a bridge to get across the two foot span of water. In October my Mother used to open up all the sliders on the "rock" side of the house and blast this tape we had of spooky music and haunted house sounds. Playing is so much more fun with a soundtrack!
In my virtual coffee this week I revealed my obsession with the Wicked Witch of the West. Now that I'm obviously too old to trick-or-treat I only wear the cape. Den and I like to light a little fire in our little portable fire pit thing, sit out in the driveway with pizza, wine, and our candy bowl. We also put on spooky music. It's a favorite season for him too!
Happy Halloween - celebrate in style!

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