1. Greg from "The New Dork Review of Books" poses a question. Should Art be Separated from Artist? Add your two cents and join in the discussion!
2. A well done review at Caroline Bookbinder this week. She reviews one of my faves Self-Made Man by Norah Vincent. Isn't it great reading some else's thoughts on a book you loved? Especially when you agree???
3. I love it when I read a review and immediately add the book to my TBR list. Over at "A Bookish Space" is a review of The Crimson Petal and the White - Michel Faber. This is probably a book I wouldn't have picked up had it not been for reading this post. ...and that's what it's all about!
4. Over at "Escapism through Books" there was a review that really ruffled my feathers. Put a bee in my bonnet. Got me all fired up. Not at "Escapism through Books" - but at the book she reviewed. Harry Potter & The Bible. Arrrrg. Go weigh in your thoughts!
5. True story. When I was a kid my Mom made shepherd's pie. I was not a huge fan, but I ate it because it was dinner and Mom made it, and I had to, etc. etc. etc. I finished it off with a glass of cranberry juice for dessert. That night I came down with the flu. You do the math. I have not been able to eat it since. Well, "The Betty and Boo Chronicles" shared a Shepherd's Pie recipe I may actually eat.
...and that's all she wrote. Have a great weekend!

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