Running Behind!

Hey everyone!

Dennis and I took a lovely vacation to Bar Harbor, Maine. What a beau
tiful place... it's so neat being in the woods, on a mountain, and being able to smell the ocean. Our trip was just what the doctor ordered - a little time away. The great outdoors, the coast, great food, and some reading. :)

We got back, and it was the "first day of school for staff" which was totally crazy - we got new photocopiers (lucky!!) but none of them were hooked up to our network yet (unlucky!!!). Thankfully, the kids don't start until Tuesday, so I was able to run in this morning and get everything in order.

My google reader is about to explode! Maybe we need to have a Friday Ten next week...

Of course, you're still welcome to play. Just...

**Grab the logo.

**Share your favorite five (or four, or three, or whatever!) blog posts and/or articles from this week. They can be book related or not - but they need to have tickled your fancy!

**Share that blog love - link the post so we can all check it out.

**Leave a comment on the post so the author knows they made it into your Friday Five!

**Enter a link to your Friday Five using the linky below!

I also owe you two book reviews. I'm spending September re-reading the Harry Potter series! Anyone want to join me?
