Hey everyone!
I hope you're looking forward to the weekend as much as I am! As always, let's celebrate with a little blog love, shall we?
**Grab the logo.
**Share your favorite five (or four, or three, or whatever!) blog posts and/or articles from this week. They can be book related or not - but they need to have tickled your fancy!
**Share that blog love - link the post so we can all check it out.
**Leave a comment on the post so the author knows they made it into your Friday Five!
1. Oh Sassy. I just love you. I love how you also have a connection with TV families from the 80's... Please go check out Lost Cosby? A Pop Culture Proposal. You're welcome.
2. Growing up, I was a huge fan of the Laura Ingalls Wilder series. Have you clicked over to "Dead White Guys"? Her review of Little House on the Prairie is so great - it's everything I love about this site. Her writing style is so fantastic.
3. In honor of Banned Books Week - 100 Most Frequently Challenged Books 1990-1999 from Caroline Bookbinder.
4. Maybe it's because we're watching "Into the Woods" as part of our American Musical Theater unit in my Music Appreciation class... but I loved this post at "Impaled by Unicorns" - And the moral of the story is nothing. Absolutely nothing.
5. A post at "The Introverted Reader" that made me say "amen"! You don't like the book? You don't like the message? Well - don't read it.
Have a great weekend, everyone! Happy October!

I hope you're looking forward to the weekend as much as I am! As always, let's celebrate with a little blog love, shall we?

**Share your favorite five (or four, or three, or whatever!) blog posts and/or articles from this week. They can be book related or not - but they need to have tickled your fancy!
**Share that blog love - link the post so we can all check it out.
**Leave a comment on the post so the author knows they made it into your Friday Five!
1. Oh Sassy. I just love you. I love how you also have a connection with TV families from the 80's... Please go check out Lost Cosby? A Pop Culture Proposal. You're welcome.
2. Growing up, I was a huge fan of the Laura Ingalls Wilder series. Have you clicked over to "Dead White Guys"? Her review of Little House on the Prairie is so great - it's everything I love about this site. Her writing style is so fantastic.
3. In honor of Banned Books Week - 100 Most Frequently Challenged Books 1990-1999 from Caroline Bookbinder.
4. Maybe it's because we're watching "Into the Woods" as part of our American Musical Theater unit in my Music Appreciation class... but I loved this post at "Impaled by Unicorns" - And the moral of the story is nothing. Absolutely nothing.
5. A post at "The Introverted Reader" that made me say "amen"! You don't like the book? You don't like the message? Well - don't read it.
Have a great weekend, everyone! Happy October!

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