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**Share your favorite five (or four, or three, or whatever!) blog posts and/or articles from this week. They can be book related or not - but they need to have tickled your fancy!
**Share that blog love - link the post so we can all check it out.
**Leave a comment on the post so the author knows they made it into your Friday Five!
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1. The Book Lady's Blog had me "ooh-ing" in my office today. Have you met BookSwim? The Book Lady has - and I'm so glad she shared this one! For the price of a paperback, you can use this service the same way you use Netflix - but instead of movies, you get books! How cool is that?
2. "Marian Schembari" is keeping us in the loop this week with 12 Social Media Buzzwords Redefined. Click over to find her take on "meme" and "organic conversation".
3. There's a certain crispness in the air which makes me crave all things spooky. Halloween's coming, baby! I may have to take a break from my Harry Potter rampage to read Dracula in Love - which I immediately added to my TBR list after reading Lisa's review on "Bibliophiliac".
4. My friend Alley and I are gearing up for the Boston Symphony. No... I know what you're thinking. We don't play in the BSO. We're groupies. In addition to great music, I love walking around the city with her on Thursday evenings. There are some gorgeous old brownstones - and I love it when you can see inside! I loved these pictures on "Lemontines 365" - Strolling Down Delancey (Again).
5. More love for "Marian Schembari"! Feeling blog stress? Relax!!! You don't have to follow all the rules. There are some rules that Marian just does not follow. Check them out in Some Lessons I Will Never Learn. Join the conversation!
Have a great weekend everyone!

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