As promised, since I neglected my "five" last week I owe you ten this week.
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**Share your favorite five (or four, or three, or whatever!) blog posts and/or articles from this week. They can be book related or not - but they need to have tickled your fancy!
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1. Rebecca at "The Book Lady's Blog" got me to add another book to my TBR pile with her post Caught in a Bad Romance with BAD MARIE. Rebecca says that Marie is a character we love to hate - who can resist that?
2. Do you like short stories? If so, you need to go check out "Bibliophiliac" because she has started a meme The Story on Thursdays - focusing on... you guessed it... short stories!
3. Fall is my favorite season - for more reasons than I can name. Everything about it pleases me. I was so excited to see this post at "Lucky Number 13". Amy was Feelin' Kinda Fallish and shared not only a couple of pictures, but a list of some beautiful things to look forward to this fall. Crisp air, cute scarves... what's not to love?!
4. I love it when someone posts about a book I would probably have passed by on the shelf. "Primo Reads" got me excited about The Imperfectionists. I'm loving the format of the book!
5. A very informative post on "Desert Book Chick" this week. Anatomy of a Blog Hack tells about her experience of being hacked - and the process she went through to get through it.
6. I'm not going to lie - I was a huge "Laura Ingalls Wilder" fan when I was a kid. OK. I'm still a fan. As a true Laura loyalist, I hated Nellie. You can read a review of Confessions of a Prairie Bitch over at "At Home With Books". Even though I was far more into the books than the TV series, it sounds like a fantastic read. Plus - the title makes you smile, doesn't it?
7. One of my favorite books, Year of Wonders, by Geraldine Brooks was reviewed at "Things Mean A Lot". I love seeing what others think about books I adore.
8. Fall is in the air - and Corinne from "Trains Tutus and Tea Time" understands. Pumpkin Spice Latte, baby. It's here...
9. I enjoyed the Sunday Salon at "Things Mean A Lot" this week - Bookish Pet Peeves. I agree with many of them, and am also guilty of more than one!
10. Mirror, Mirror On The Wall... Spice up your Friday with a good laugh from "The Sassy Curmudgeon". I like her "disgust" face the best.

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