Hopping to work!

Book Blogger Hop
Happy Friday everyone! It's time for the Book Blogger Hop.

I'm "hopping to work" this week because I'm finishing painting my bathroom - and very excited about it. One more huge project off the list!

The question this week is...

Do you listen to music when you read? If so, what are your favorite reading tunes?

I cannot listen to music when I read. I get too distracted! I'm jealous of those of you who can, though! What about you?

Welcome to everyone hopping over - make sure to leave a comment so we can check out your blog!


  1. I'm with you, I prefer not to listen to music while reading it's a little distracting. Although, I'm frequently reminded that I'm not the only one in the household (what, it's not all about me?!) so I usually have "background music" anyway.

  2. Stopping by from the hop! So far everyone's answer to this week's post has been "no music for me!" I think I'm the only one who always has something on in the background, usually to block out other background noises.

  3. Hello from the Hop! Sometimes I can listen to music if it's something light. Jazz is usually ok. Anything else is out of the question.

  4. I also prefer silence! :-)

    Hey, I see you've got American Wife on your night stand. Hope you're enjoying it. I'm reading Prep, her newest book right now. Very enjoyable!

  5. Stopping by from the Hop. In your TBR pile, I really loved Astrid & Veronica . I thought is was a beautiful tribute to friendship. Hope you enjoy it too and then one less in the pile :-)

  6. I can't listen to music either, it can be so distracting! Hope you have a great weekend!

  7. Hopping on by to say hello! I actually do listen to music, although I keep the volume low. But... if I get really into a book, seems like I just tune it all out! :)

  8. Hi, I am new to your blog from the Hop! It has a great design. Happy weekend!

  9. Hi. I'm stopping in from the hop to check out your blog. I think your template is beautiful. I love the distressed look down both sides.
    Have a good weekend, Dianne

  10. Hi! I'm a new follower--just stopping by from the hop! As music goes--I used to have music playing all the time, but now I prefer quiet.

    Looks like a fun blog!!! Hope you're having a great weekend!!!



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