Happy Friday! Welcome to the Friday Five. Feel free to play along...
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**Share your favorite five (or four, or three, or whatever!) blog posts and/or articles from this week. They can be book related or not - but they need to have tickled your fancy!
**Share that blog love - link the post so we can all check it out.
**Leave a comment on the post so the author knows they made it into your Friday Five!
**Enter a link to your Friday Five using the linky below!
First, before I reveal my Friday Five, I have a request.
This week, I got an email (which I read on my phone at a traffic light) saying someone left a comment at Kate's Library. I scanned the comment and it was someone letting me know that they have an award for me! How exciting! I deleted the message on my phone thinking "OK. Cool. I'll check that out when I get home." Well. I got home. I have this new comment system and I think I may have accidentally deleted the comment. I don't know who it was from, and I'm sad about it because I don't want to inadvertently ignore someone! Help! If this is you... let me know!
Now. Back to the five!
1. Amanda at "Desert Book Chick" really stirred the pot this week with her post 5 Reasons Why I Don't Like Giveaways. She raises some very valid points - like forcing someone to become a follower before you can enter. This post prompted me to check out "intense debate" and change my comment system. (Even though I'm still figuring out how to use it, it's pretty great!) The stirring of the pot came when she asked about YA books. The comments were pretty amazing. Amanda is certainly not saying that she hates YA - but she's asking for people to weigh in on the appeal for adults.
2. Cheerific 365 posted a photo Froth on the Water. I think I'm feeling beachy because it made me crave the ocean and my toes in the sand. (Even though I don't think it was a picture of ocean water...)
3. They say breakfast is the most important meal of the day. Such a pity that many of us skip it altogether, or choose to eat total junk. Over at "Fed Up With Lunch: The School Lunch Project" it's time to examine Pop-Tarts. In Ad Critique: Pop-Tarts we check out the advertising for Pop-Tarts. "less sugar makes mornings pretty sweet" and "made with real fruit". Really? Are you serious? Are Pop-Tarts trying to pretend that they are in any way healthy? The post includes a recipe for a way to make your own Pop-Tarts - and I have to say they look pretty delicious! So if you ever ate Pop-Tarts for breakfast... of if you currently eat Pop-Tarts for breakfast :) check out the post!
4. Dennis and I are participating in a CSA (community shared agriculture) program this summer. Basically, we paid a farm at the beginning of the season, and now every week we pick up a crate of fresh, organic veggies. Yum! I had to laugh when I read this post over at "Serendipitous" - too much of a good thing. I'm also up to my ears in tomatoes. I love them, but there are only so many tomatos a girl can eat in a day!
5. Love your soul. This is good advice. This week Amy over at "Lucky Number13" got a message from the universe. Love your soul. I like her pictures, but I like her words more.
Have a great Friday, everyone.

**Share your favorite five (or four, or three, or whatever!) blog posts and/or articles from this week. They can be book related or not - but they need to have tickled your fancy!
**Share that blog love - link the post so we can all check it out.
**Leave a comment on the post so the author knows they made it into your Friday Five!
**Enter a link to your Friday Five using the linky below!
First, before I reveal my Friday Five, I have a request.
This week, I got an email (which I read on my phone at a traffic light) saying someone left a comment at Kate's Library. I scanned the comment and it was someone letting me know that they have an award for me! How exciting! I deleted the message on my phone thinking "OK. Cool. I'll check that out when I get home." Well. I got home. I have this new comment system and I think I may have accidentally deleted the comment. I don't know who it was from, and I'm sad about it because I don't want to inadvertently ignore someone! Help! If this is you... let me know!
Now. Back to the five!
1. Amanda at "Desert Book Chick" really stirred the pot this week with her post 5 Reasons Why I Don't Like Giveaways. She raises some very valid points - like forcing someone to become a follower before you can enter. This post prompted me to check out "intense debate" and change my comment system. (Even though I'm still figuring out how to use it, it's pretty great!) The stirring of the pot came when she asked about YA books. The comments were pretty amazing. Amanda is certainly not saying that she hates YA - but she's asking for people to weigh in on the appeal for adults.
2. Cheerific 365 posted a photo Froth on the Water. I think I'm feeling beachy because it made me crave the ocean and my toes in the sand. (Even though I don't think it was a picture of ocean water...)
3. They say breakfast is the most important meal of the day. Such a pity that many of us skip it altogether, or choose to eat total junk. Over at "Fed Up With Lunch: The School Lunch Project" it's time to examine Pop-Tarts. In Ad Critique: Pop-Tarts we check out the advertising for Pop-Tarts. "less sugar makes mornings pretty sweet" and "made with real fruit". Really? Are you serious? Are Pop-Tarts trying to pretend that they are in any way healthy? The post includes a recipe for a way to make your own Pop-Tarts - and I have to say they look pretty delicious! So if you ever ate Pop-Tarts for breakfast... of if you currently eat Pop-Tarts for breakfast :) check out the post!
4. Dennis and I are participating in a CSA (community shared agriculture) program this summer. Basically, we paid a farm at the beginning of the season, and now every week we pick up a crate of fresh, organic veggies. Yum! I had to laugh when I read this post over at "Serendipitous" - too much of a good thing. I'm also up to my ears in tomatoes. I love them, but there are only so many tomatos a girl can eat in a day!
5. Love your soul. This is good advice. This week Amy over at "Lucky Number13" got a message from the universe. Love your soul. I like her pictures, but I like her words more.
Have a great Friday, everyone.

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