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1. Jen at "The Introverted Reader" reviewed The Secret Lives of Princesses by Philippe Lechermeier this week. She did her job - she got me interested in the book! It sounds like so much fun!! I want to read about Princess Hot-Head...
2. Jane Doe at "Dead White Guys" cracks me up. She has such a personal writing style, and I love it! Here is How to Read the Classics, Part One: Become Besties with the Author. BFFs, Even. Some great advice on how to make "the classics" seem less daunting.
3. You need to read this very short post over at "Serendipitous". Famous Last Words. You'll laugh. You're welcome.
4. A great post from Rebecca at "The Book Lady's Blog". I once told Dennis that if I was single and looking for love, I would simply hang out in the "fiction/literature" section of Borders and strike up a conversation with a cutie perusing a Jane Austen novel. Check it out. A Match Made in... Books?
5. Check out August Adventures at "Whimsy". I'm loving the photo of the Brown-Eyed Susans...
There you have it!
Also, send me some good vibes because I just sent a letter to my middle school orchestra students letting them know I will not be there teacher next year because I have accepted a position as Orchestra Director at our high school! (Same school system, different school...) I'm a mixture of excited for the new position, and sad to leave behind my wonderful students... but excited that I will see them in a few years when they're freshmen!

Congrats on the new position! High school orchestra is much more fun than middle school :)