Premio Dardos

From Bibliophiliac

"The Premio Dardos is a way to acknowledge the importance of bloggers committed to spreading cultural, ethical, literary and personal values, showing their letters and words."

A huge "Thank you!" to Lisa for this award! Her blog is truly an example of everything mentioned above - she has very lucky students!

Here are 8 I'd like to pass it on to.
Am I supposed to pass it to 15? Oh well!

LibraryCatBook List
Literary Musings
She is Too Fond of Books
The Literary Amnesiac
Things Mean A Lot
Writing in the Crosshairs
Dust Jacket
Book Rat


  1. Thanks so much for the award. It means a lot coming from a fellow teacher. I don't teach anymore, but I have hopes for an opening at the local university.

    And thanks also for dropping by my blog and saying you like what you read! Come back often. Roland

  2. You're very welcome - and good luck at the university!!! I'm sending good vibes your way!

  3. Ooh, I haven't gotten this one before! Thanks so much! ^_^

  4. Wow thanks Kate! It truly means a lot :)

  5. Congratulations on your award and your new blog look!!!

  6. Aw, thank you so much, Kate :D

  7. Thank you so much for the award. It is my very first!! Glad you stop by to see what I am reviewing. I have reviewed many of the books in your stacks and really enjoyed most of them.
    Happy Reading,

  8. Thank you so much Kate - what a surprise! You definitely deserved the award as well.

  9. Hi! First of all I am so sorry that I have been so late in thanking you for such a lovely award. I have not been able to access your comments link from work. Thank you so much for such a cool award! You have a lovely blog here, hoping to read many many more reviews here :) Oh and thanks for linking up my blog! :)


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